Code of Ethics and Conduct: Integrity, Abuse Prevention and Safety of the “International Volunteer Center” Organization.
Last Updated: 13th February 2024
This Code of Ethics and Conduct (hereinafter referred to as the Code) is a set of rules and applies to everyone who, together with the “International Volunteer Center” Organization (hereinafter referred to as the IVC), voluntarily carries out non-profit activities (employees, consultants, volunteers, partners etc.) and represent the IVC or acts on its behalf within the framework of these activities (hereinafter referred to as “volunteers” respectively).
The behavior of volunteers must meet the highest ethical norms and professional standards.
1.1 Why is the Code needed?
The goals of creation of the IVC and its activities are four-fold: 1) advocate for, support, and unite the international volunteer community, individual volunteers, and NGOs in their work for Ukraine; 2)provide volunteers with comprehensive information, guidance, resources, and services in and out of the country; 3)create a safe and inclusive networking environment; 4)increase efficiency in the work and activities volunteers carry out to support Ukraine. In all contexts of the activity, IVC and our other third parties involved are committed to respecting the dignity of the people we work with.
The reputation of IVC depends to a large extent on the responsibility of volunteers as well as on their direct actions or failure to act. Even in difficult circumstances, IVC strives to perform its tasks to the best of its abilities. Failure to adhere to the values of IVC undermines the reputation as a whole. It must be kept in mind that each volunteer represents IVC when implementing charitable projects, programs and events carried out by IVC.
The volunteers regularly find themselves in a relationship of trust with the partners and volunteers when implementing projects, programs and, therefore, have access to personal information with limited access. They may not feel it, but it is an inevitable result of economic and social differences between volunteers
and the people who receive help from them. The awareness of this and adherence to the values of IVC provides for the appropriate behavior and a sense of responsibility for the implementation of its regulations and ethical principles.
1.2 What are the fundamental principles of this Code?
This Code of conduct is a key element in the implementation of organizational policies that lay down the fundamental principles of protecting the resources entrusted to IVC, but above all, the principles of protecting our partners and volunteers and partners, in particular those most vulnerable to abuse of power, as well as our volunteers; special attention is paid to cases of discrimination, gender-based behavior, sexual exploitation and abuse. The Code has been adopted, in particular for:
▪ protecting partners and volunteers/partners from sexual exploitation and abuse;
▪ protecting the interests of people from vulnerable groups;
▪ protecting the interests of volunteers;
▪ etc.
The principles underlying these policies are as follows:
- Observance of fundamental human rights, the rights of vulnerable groups and international humanitarian law;
- Constant and absolute intolerance on the part of the IVC to violation of the above rights by its volunteers;
- Risk management, including the creation of a secure environment;
- Obligation to provide assistance to victims who suffered from abuse by participants or other entities involved in the implementation of projects and programs of the IVC;
- Duty to report all cases, doubts or suspicions of abuse, even in the absence of evidence.
This Code aims to protect all persons who directly or indirectly receive assistance from IVC, as well as persons affected by the activities of IVC.
1.3 What is the purpose of the Code?
The Code defines the expected behavior and practices that constitute the IVC’s minimum standards, as well as actions to be avoided, to ensure that the IVC’s relationships with partners and volunteers or between volunteers or participants are consistent with the ethical standards adopted by the IVC in its policies.
Thus, its purpose is to help volunteers and participants:
➢ to better understand their obligations and duties regarding the aforementioned policies introduced by IVC;
➢ to make appropriate decisions and behave appropriately both in professional and personal life. The volunteers and participants have a special responsibility to ensure that their teams and persons engaged by them comply with this Code, providing a supportive work environment for the application of these principles and the cultivation of personal commitment to them.
The knowledge of and adherence to the Code will help each employee and interested parties make the right decisions, avoiding situations that could harm their reputation or the reputation of the IVC.
1.4 To whom is the Code Addressed?
This Code defines the guiding principles and values of IVC, which apply to all General Meetings of the IVC, Founder, Admin Group, and volunteers. The Code is to be familiarized with by everyone involved. The Code applies worldwide to anyone who acts on behalf of IVC or within the framework of a project, program, etc. carried out with the participation of IVC, regardless of whether this person is involved at the international or national level or involved in the implementation of projects or programs of IVC. Thus, it applies to all persons who act in a volunteer capacity with IVC, as well as any family members accompanying international staff, as well as consultants, trainees, service providers and partner organizations in their cooperation with IVC. All persons involved must familiarize themselves with the provisions of the Code.
Every employee or interested party should remember that their behavior directly affects their reputation and the reputation of the IVC, therefore, compliance with the Code is also encouraged in everyday life.
1.5 What is the role and significance of this Code?
This Code embodies the aforementioned organizational policies and safety instructions or specific actions. It outlines the basic principles and policies to be followed by volunteers when carrying out activities together with IVC.
- Standards of the Code
The persons involved in the implementation of projects and programs of IVC undertake to comply with the following:
2.1. Relationship
– always to ensure that IVC partners, employees and volunteers are treated with respect, dignity and equality, regardless of their age, gender, physical condition, disability, language, religion, beliefs, nationality, ethnic or social origin, status, class, caste, sexual orientation or any other personal characteristics;
– always to encourage a non-violent and positive attitude when communicating with or interacting with partners and volunteers;
– not to participate in corrupt or fraudulent actions that harm the partners and volunteers and/or the IVC, and not to encourage such actions. Not to demand or accept any fees, rewards or gifts for their decisions or actions;
– not to use language or make suggestions that would provoke, harass or humiliate a person, or deliberately show disrespect for traditional or cultural practices;
– not to expose the partners and volunteers to any manifestations of sexist, humiliating or offensive behaviour, whether physical, verbal, psychological or of any other nature;
– to inform partners and volunteers of their right to report any situations that cause concern.
2.3 Working environment
– to treat partners and volunteers fairly and impartially, never discriminating against them (for example, due to favouritism or exclusion); – to show respect for all categories of partners, volunteers, and participants;
– not to engage in or tolerate any form of harassment, discrimination, physical or verbal abuse, intimidation or favouritism in the implementation of projects and programs, including sexist and racist behaviour or sexual and psychological harassment or abuse of power, in compliance with the rules in force in the IVC regarding these issues;
– to behave professionally with colleagues, avoiding the spread of rumours and false accusations and refraining from any comments regarding gender, sexual orientation or other personal characteristics: this can be considered as harassment;
– to assess the risk of any damage related to the implementation of the project, including financial and material damage;
– to organize the workplace, plan activities and monitor conflicts of interest in order to minimize them.
– to plan activities taking into account the confidentiality of information relating to partners and volunteers, as well as in compliance with the laws on the protection of personal data applicable in the relevant field;
2.4 Fight against fraud and corruption
– to protect the material and financial resources of the IVC from any form of misuse, loss, theft or misappropriation;
– not to demand or accept any compensation, fees or gifts for their decisions or actions within the framework of the projects and programs of the IVC;
– not to accept payments for the purpose of promotion (bribes) intended to speed up the process, bypassing the rules established by the IVC;
– to take all necessary actions to ensure that the assistance intended for the partners and volunteers reaches them in the expected quantities and at the proper level of quality;
– to make an objective choice in the interests of the IVC, not looking for advantages, benefits or profits for themselves personally or for family members, friends;
– to perform their duties without abusing assigned powers or responsibilities for personal gain;
– to inform the management of the IVC about any financial or personal interest in matters that may affect the activities of the IVC (conflict of interest, such interest may include the financial or other interests of a spouse, partner or domestic partner, father, grandmother, grandfather, brother, sister, child, grandchild, another person with whom there is a close (intimate) relationship that this person knows about) and, in case of inappropriateness, not to participate in decision-making that can be regarded as biased or self-interested;
– to inform the management of the IVC about all received or offered invitations and gifts and refuse all invitations and gifts that lead to an actual or probable loss of objectivity and impartiality;
– to be responsible for the use of information, assets and resources to which they have access through cooperation with the IVC;
– to be responsible for all the funds and property of the IVC provided to them and ensure the responsible use of the assets and resources of the IVC;
– not to use the IVC’s equipment, software, e-mail, website or social networks to participate in activities that are illegal under the laws of Ukraine or that encourage behavior that may constitute a criminal offense;
– not to use the IVC’s equipment to look through, download, create, distribute or store in any format pornography or images of child abuse.
2.6 Confidentiality
To exercise due care in all official communications and not to disclose confidential information relating to participants or partners and volunteers of the IVC, or any confidential information, unless otherwise required by law.
2.7. Complaints and reports
This Code cannot and is not intended to describe all situations that may arise. Under such circumstances, it is required:
– to address any issues regarding this Code and/or the Anti-Fraud, Bribery and Corruption Policy to the management of the IVC or an authorized person of the IVC;
– to immediately notify the management of the IVC or an authorized person of the IVC about any suspicions or accusations of behavior that contradicts the principles of this Code and/or the Anti-Fraud, Bribery and Corruption Policy, even if the information or accusations have not been fully clarified and a preliminary investigation has not been conducted;
– not to make deliberately false accusations and spread false rumors about a colleague or other person regarding non-compliance with this Code;
– to cooperate confidentially and impartially in the conduct of an internal investigation in the manner prescribed by the IVC.
For IVC employees and volunteers (community members and staff), and persons outside IVC (partners and volunteers, partners, suppliers, etc.), a professional channel for reporting is through [email protected]